Thursday, March 8, 2012

Let me tell you about a transformation....

MM became MM.... Let me try again Mountain Man became Morphine Man.

We have some of the crappiest stairs in the city.

 And MM caught the front of his boot on one of the broken ones and pitched forward, caught himself and wrenched his back.  So he struggled through the day a.k.a groaning moaning and in real pain.  So that might we went up to Emerg.   They were so incredibly good to him.  He was attempting to lay down within about 5 minutes of arriving (highly unusual), We had quite a giggle listening to the 93 year old lady be quirky and charming to the supremely young doc.  After laying there for another 30 mins or so the H.A.R.T. (high acuity response team) nurse came and gave him a through triage.  Until she was going to ask him to roll over then thought better of it.   She thought one time would be enough with Doc M present.

In comes this incredibly young but assertive smart and grounded 3rd year med student. (I don't remember her name, thinking it was Gloria)   Did the full run down again.  Yet another decided to wait for the Doc to show.  She was a true breath of fresh air.

Doc M came in did yet another full workup then asked him to roll onto his side.  Realized how much pain he was really in ( We live in an area where there is lots of prescription drug abuse).  Got him some Morphine and Gravol into an IV and let him rest.  He tried yet again to get him to roll over it eventually worked but still the pain was incredible.

It hurt my heart to see him doped up and unable to get of the bed in Emerg because of the pain.   20 minutes later he managed to get up and we left.  In all 3 hours in Emerg about an average wait around here.  I can handle to some degree the kids being hurt but my hubby.. Mr. Stoic himself just crippled in pain was too much to bear.    Incredibly coming up and down the stairs was not a problem.

So that is how MM became MM.

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