Thursday, July 19, 2012

All the things I cannot talk about

There are so many struggles going on right now involving surveys, property lines, walls without permits, falling down fences, and RCMP, that I cannot talk about any of them. 

So instead I am going to talk about how wonderful my 12 year old daughter is!

Seriously,  there are times I wanna give her a swirly but she is becoming a simply lovely caring young lady!
  With the note that that shirt was not allowed out of the house and did not survive the night.

She puts others first, always looking for a way to right the wrongs (unless she is the cause of the wrongs).    She has a memory like an iron trap especially if it involves her not getting something
She is a real delight to have around and always willing and able to make me smile!

I love you she who giggles!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

This is where I have been!

So instead of being a good blogger I started hanging round here.......   Bad bad me I know.    The only down side to the site is the pop ups but, there are only a couple per episode.   I have seen more movies and shows than ever before.  Perfect for the 40 degree heat we are having right now!

I watched Julie and Julia always wanted to see it never found the time I loved it!!!  What a great movie

Julie & Julia Poster    I love3 the variety I have been able to watch some good some bad and some intriguing. A great show is Oddities.....Truly oddball people!