Friday, March 9, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday

1.  My favorite room in my home is     my bedroom    because     it's quiet and restful.  Little messy and ugly color but that is all to come. 

2.   My current decor style is   early childhood .  but I wish it were more     snazzy.  Color needs to be in my life.  Thinking Limes, Oranges, grapefruit... a beachy theme would suit just fine. But no white!! 

3.  I wish I could redecorate the kitchen  room in my house to make it more     appealing to be in.  With some lighter paint as opposed to the dark red and black accents it could look and feel much bigger.

4. My dream house absolutely has to have a   kitchen big enough for a couch.  Then the kids can be close to hang and talk but not underfoot.   love to talk and hang out while I cook but hate those that hover so the couch would solve that!

5. One house item I am willing to splurge on is a tub for people over 6 feet tall.. must be deep too  

6. A decor trend that I just don't "get" is   the whole country thing where you need surfaces just to pile crap on and 500 different fabrics all happening at the same time.  Just too much going on!
7.   Its the people not the touches!    is a little touch that makes my house feel like home

1 comment:

  1. That is hilarious. Your number 6 is the opposite of mine but our number 7 is almost exactly the same! :o)
