Friday, March 30, 2012

Fill In The Blank Friday

1.  My greatest strengths is  my ability to bounce back from challenges that might not have gone my way.  Or to flip tasks easily.

2.   My greatest weaknesses are   my ability to multi-task leads me to want to keep moving forward and not tidying up the loose ends as I go.  I have about 3 projects that only need a little TLC each then they will be completely done, but to go back and finish feels like such a waste of time!  
And the Fact I think the world will end or at least end a relationship if I say NO.....  especially with more casual people in my life (Boss Lady you are  safe!

3.  People always compliment me on    my drive to get things done (which quite often leads to my weakness being played out).
Bss Lady
4. If you found me procrastinating you'd probably find me    on Facebook or Etsy!

5. The most cozy place in all the world is  my bed - alone or with a great book and pot of tea!

6. Something new that I tried recently was   not worrying about where the next chunk of money was coming from.  Not getting stressed and bitchy when supplies are running low.

7.  This weekend I would like to  relax and enjoy my kids... maybe putter in the garden. Well not like I have a garden but I have pots!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday

And today's theme is....COLOUR!

1.  My favourite colour is   purple. This picture has it all for me!

2.   My home decor colour palette includes  Early Childhood Decor still reigns! Like this

3.  Other people always tell me I look good in the colour    blue or just about anything cheerful .

4. The colour I detest am not a fan of is   most drabs.  Since I started  working  here, I have a new appreciation for colours.  I cannot think  of a colour that on some level I don't like.  The colour wheel is full of inspiration and opportunities to try something new.

5. If you were to look in my closet most of the colours you'd see would be   bright bold and beautiful! And some basic black to be the base for it all!

6. A colour that I simply cannot pull off no matter how hard I try is  tomato red.  
or firetruck red is also a big no no Kinda funny they are not that far apart.
7.  The colour of my favourite dress is  well my favourite non cotton is black, short and timeless .  My favourite cotton is shades of brown and has a shirred top. (holds the boobs and looks cute.  And it is ankle length which at 6 feet tall is a minor miracle!