Thursday, May 31, 2012

Foot care!

So I saw this pin a few weeks ago.... Of course I forgot to take before and after pics so I redid it tonight ( Thanks Boss Lady! )

So I took a before picture... excuse the dirty feet please!  
I used this awesome product after the soaking part.  I used my foot bath for the solution

And the shavings I created from one foot there was probably 3 times as much after both feet!

And after:
So much nicer and softer.  The article suggests doing this only once a week.  But since my feet are so trashed I will do it twice a week of a month.  

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Busy day

I made all 6 of these beauties today!!!!  Tomorrow is one more play day then Friday Indelible Imagery is going to photo shoot them!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Just a little teaser of what is coming up this week for sale in my store and in Sugar Shack Quilting!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Nag Nag Nag

LOL Seems to be all I hear lately from Boss Lady...Check out her awesome bird!. Update your blog.... don't make a mess!... Don't take down doors or move furniture!   See Giant NAG!!!! :)

Anyways I have been busy making some gorgeous new flowers from up-cycled goodies!

So here is a small treat for you!

 This my total favorite one (for now).  SO girly and gorgeous!

Tulle, chiffon, organza, polyester suit lining..... nothing is too good for me!  Reclaimed buttons, velvet... you name it I will try to make something from it!

My new Etsy shop called Savagely Creative is now open for business!  More added as time permits!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tempted to call this Brain Vomit

There have been so many thoughts rioting in my head lately thought I had better just get them out! 

1.  Face book friends do not equal life friends.    As related in this post  Even though the 2 people who UN-friended me I saw weekly I never had more than a passing acquaintance with, still kinda sucks when all I did was ask a question!
 Object Lesson Learned

2.  When you wake up almost fall out of bed, have a shower, forget the towel, and then find your favorite shirt now has bleach marks on it.... you are fully allowed to go back to bed.    Then when you do get to work and the phone is accidentally unplugged.. leave it like that!  That way drama cannot seep in with each phone call!

3.   When unplugged phone gets re-plugged do not answer it!

4.  When drama ensues make sure you have headphones handy to block out noise!

5.  If you don't have headphones turning up the police scanner REALLY LOUD!!!!!!

6.  When you tell Boss Lady about  go to the bathroom before she starts gasping and laughing.

7. There is a vast difference between doing the right thing and doing the best choice.  If there is a family member you do not want to be around why bring them to your family picture day??  SERIOUSLY !!!  

8. People need to start thinking  about more than themselves in their actions and deeds.  

9.  Melting polyester can be fun and smelly but can also be a little deadly to the finger tips!   This is a small sample of the bunch I have made since Friday.  I will be sure to post the etsy link when they are up for sale!

10.   MY dear MM found me this today! 

He thinks it might have been an ashtray but it is gorgeous and t'will be full of some useful desk-like thing.


Till next time!